Poets and Writers of Bloomsbury Walk

Poets & Writers of Bloomsbury

This Poets and Writers of Bloomsbury Walk with Graham Fawcett begins at the Café inside Russell Square, Bloomsbury, and then sets out through the quiet squares and by-ways of Bloomsbury and Holborn, taking in the less discovered as well as the famous places where the great poets and writers of London’s past have lived and worked and entertained one another. Spanning the centuries from street to street, we will pass front doors once familiar to Robert Browning, Charles Dickens, John Donne, T S Eliot, R W Emerson, Thomas Gray, HD, D H Lawrence, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Ezra Pound, Virginia Woolf, William Wordsworth, Wilfred Owen and W B Yeats, and hear the often untold stories of their lives there.

 For more about Graham, click on the About Graham tab at the top of the page.

"Your walks really have been one of the most pleasurable aspects of living here!"   
Visitor from Martha's Vineyard living in London
“Your” London has been most enjoyable and enlightening for “an American in Bloomsbury”
Visitor from New York working in Bloomsbury

Tickets £20

for this London walk

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Available Bookings on 24 March 2024

Poets and Writers of Bloomsbury Walk  10:00 am – 12:00 pm10 spaces available
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Top picture: Russell Square, London WC1

Lower picture: Gordon Square, London WC1, where the young Virginia and Vanessa Bell lived and played tennis with J M Keynes . . . 

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