Edna St Vincent Millay

Venue: The Great Chamber, Sutton House, 2&4 Homerton High Street, London E9 6JQ

(map below)


England and Wales tour 2020. Go to Events page to sign up for the newsletter to get advance information of dates and places, and check my current Scheduled Events.

Edna St Vincent Millay - World Poets series

Edna St Vincent Millay’s legendary existence as the Greenwich Village’s convention-busting bisexual superstar It Girl in the 1920s went hand in hand with a lyrical gift which reached its apogee in her mastery of the sonnet. Here she harnessed a blazing authenticity on the page in her narratives of nature, life, love, and the female experience.

“Perhaps the greatest female poet since Sappho”. (Harriet Monroe)

Graham has a marvellous knack of opening up a poet’s life and instantly taking you on a colourful voyage through their life and work. Very illuminating”.
James Crowden

Tickets £15

Book Now

Available Bookings on 22 July 2020

Edna St Vincent Millay  7:00 pm – 9:00 pm50 spaces available
Payment Options

We will gladly accept online payment in the methods below, as well as cash in person.

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Feel free to contact me - I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.

This is one of six new lectures by Graham in the Great Chamber at Sutton House from April to September 2020. See Events Currently Scheduled for full information and booking for each talk. The complete series features:  

Scheduled Events

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...if you're interested in an event that isn't scheduled

Top picture: Edna St Vincent Millay – artist and date untraced


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