The Book You Always Meant to Read
Dante's Divine Comedy
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These lectures are also available to groups on request. Please contact Graham for more information.
The Book You Always Meant to Read
By Midsummer 2010, Graham had delivered two sets of lectures, Parallel Lives and Pepys 350, on England’s greatest-ever diarist, for Oliver Ross at St Olave, Hart Street, London when Ross said, “It’ll have to be Dante next”; he had long wanted to stage a series at St Olave on The Divine Comedy and call it The Book You Always Meant To Read.
“I’ll need fifteen lectures”, Graham said. Ross agreed. The lectures were originally given during 2010 and 2011.
Available as a series or singly, The Book You Always Meant to Read covers all three parts, Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso, of Dante’s Divine Comedy in the following sessions:
1. Launch Night – the story behind The Story
2. The Journey Begins (Inferno §§1-8)
3. The Deepening Route (Inferno §§9-15)
4. Navigating The Precipice (Inferno §§16-22)
5. Imaginable Peril (Inferno §§23-26)
6. How To Get Out of Hell ((Inferno §§27-34)
7. Above The Southern Ocean (Purgatorio §§1-9)
8. Altitudes of Pride and Envy (Purgatorio §§10-16)
9. What Love Is and What It Isn’t (Purgatorio §§17-21)
10. Through the Wall of Fire (Purgatorio §§22-28)
11. Being With Beatrice (Purgatorio §§29-33 and Paradiso §1)
12. The Point of Paradise (Paradiso §§1-4)
13. Heavens of Mercury, Venus, the Sun and Mars (Paradiso §§1-4)
14. The Eagle and the Ladder (Paradiso §§15-25)
15. Vision’s Pinnacle (Paradiso §§26-33)
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Top Picture:
Dante Alighieri by Domenico di Michelino, Duomo, Florence