End of May into June 2020 Newsletter

Dear Poetry Friends


Wordsworth Night is my next recorded lecture. It is being released on Thursday May 28th. Booking is open now. You can find more about Wordsworth and how to book at


Click on the link above, then on the green button marked Buy Now, which will be to your right.

Wordsworth Night replaces my originally scheduled Sutton House Ovid Night on May 28. Sutton House is closed until at least the end of June. Ovid Night will be given ‘live’ in the future.

To make it easier for me to upload Wordsworth Night to Youtube, the recording will be in two parts. 

I will be sending all bookers the link to the Wordsworth Night recording during the day on May 28, so that, if you would like to, you and others can then all watch it in real time that evening from 7pm; or, of course, at any other time you prefer.

The Wordsworth Night recording will also be available after May 28, bookable in the same way.


19 – Akhmatova Night (West Bay) is now planned to take place there on September 25.

25 – Walt Whitman Night will be my June recorded lecture. 

More about Whitman and how to book will appear on my website on May 29.

Whitman Night will replace my third Sutton House lecture of six in the 2020 series, on Pushkin – which will be given ‘live’ in the future.


As soon as I have the go-ahead to install Virgin Media broadband at my house, I intend to open future lectures up to the audience in sound and, with any luck technically, add the option of the audience choosing (if they wish) to be in vision too, for a Q&A at the end.


Links to these lecture recordings are also available to purchase now.

For more about them, go to




All best wishes


P.S. If you have friends who might be interested in receiving my newsletter, do point them in the direction of the Sign Up feature on the Events page.


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