February 2020 newsletter

Dear Poetry Friends

My 2020 series of poetry nights launches with a new event, Poetry Is Communication, in London on Monday 3rd February at 7pm at the Horse Hospital in Bloomsbury, a hundred yards from the north-east corner of Russell Square.

For more about Poetry Is Communication and how to book in advance, go to https://www.grahamfawcett.co.uk/event/poetryiscommunication. You can also just come along on the night and pay cash at the door. 

Poetry Is Communication is one of a series of events – at the Horse Hospital during February – calling on arts lovers from London and beyond to turn out and help save, by your presence, this wonderful venue from closure at the end of February.

Read the full shocking story at https://www.thehorsehospital.com/stop-the-horse-hospital-from-closing.

Do come !

All best wishes




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